
Sorry to disappoint, but i dont have any up yet. BUT! I am working on something now. CALLING ALL WRITERS!!! I dont know about you, but nothing makes me happier than writing. I get lost in it. Here's your chance to write about your fave man. Here are a few fanfiction challenges. Browse thru them, find one you like, write it out, then send it in. I'll post it. And feel free to write up your own challenge and send it to me! I'll be glad to post them too.

Challenge #1

Write a story about how things would go if you were lucky enough to meet face to face with Peter.

Challenge #2

Write a scene from your fave Peter movie from HIS point of view. His thoughts, feelings, etc.

Challenge #3

Write an idea for a movie that you think Peter would be great in. Script or story form, doesnt matter! Dont forget to tell me what charactor is his!!


At the top of every story, i need the following information.

Your name
Your email (optional...if you want feedback, its a must)
Title of story
Summery of story

Good luck! Have fun! Submissions go here